...in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible, God's written Word. We worship a living God who promises to direct us by His Spirit, so I will seek to follow His leading in my life.
Declarations of Favor:
God has said and I proclaim that I have favor.
I have the favor to overcome any obstacle or difficulty.
I have the favor to break-through.
I have the favor to take my enemies captive.
I have the favor to resist the enemy and make him flee.
I have the favor that breaks the yoke of oppression in my
life and in the lives of all those God connects me with.
I have the favor to take vengeance on the enemy.
I have the favor to step into my identity and destiny.
I have permission to challenge my circumstances with the favor of God.
I have the favor of God in…
My passionate relationship with Him,
in my family finances,
in my health,
at my place of work,
on my business,
on my children,
and on the prodigals.
Me, My household, and we as a corporate body, are in a lifestyle of ongoing, never-ending, unprecedented, unparalleled favor. (source: The Mission in Vacaville (http://www.tmvv.org)
Declarations of Identity:
I am a child of the King
I have been adopted into the Family of God With full rights and privileges
I am perfectly loved by my Heavenly Father
I have received Jesus as my Forgiver and my Leader
He has redeemed me from Hell
He has given me a new destiny.
I am saved by grace through faith
…and not of my own works
Jesus delivered me from the domain of darkness
He transferred me into His kingdom,
I have been forgiven of all my sin.
I am fully acceptable to God
I am a co-heir with Jesus
All Jesus bought and paid for is my inheritance
Jesus destroyed the works of the devil
He disarmed the rulers and authorities
He is triumphant over them
…through His shed blood on the cross
Jesus now has all authority in heaven and on earth
Jesus has authority over sin
He has authority over sickness
He has authority over death
He has authority over the world
He has authority over the devil
I am united with Jesus
Jesus and I are ONE.
I have been crucified with Christ
I died with Him
I was buried with Him
I was raised with Him
I am seated with Him in the heavenlies
…far above all rule, all power, all authority
…and above every name that is named
…not only in this age, but also in the one to come
Because I am ONE with Jesus
I am perfectly righteous
I am completely holy
I am a saint
I will live above sin
Because I am prone to do righteousness
I am not prone toward sin any more
I am a new creature
The old is gone
The new has come
Because of my oneness of Jesus
I carry the authority of Christ
I have authority over sickness.
(source: Community of Grace (http://www.icgrace.org)