A Funny Thing Happened...
Dear Ones in Jesus,
A funny thing happened on my way to resign from an African mission team… As is my habit, I was driving and having conversation with the Lord telling Him my intent to resign from the team but graciously giving Him permission to change my mind. (HA!) I turned on the car radio to NPR and was hit over the head with an interview from Uganda about education. Since the team is going to Uganda to help build a school I decided perhaps I needed to listen not just to NPR but to that still small voice. I was reminded that when I left Uganda in 2016, I promised to return.
So here’s to listening to the Lord, keeping promises, and doing my small part for the children of Uganda. His Farm Kamonkali, Uganda here we come! The team leaves June 18 and returns to the states July 2.
First and foremost we need your prayers! That’s not a thing I just say; it is powerful truth. This area of Uganda is full of witch doctors, tribal conflict, government corruption, malaria, and typhus. See, not kidding about the prayer thing. It is also full of beauty, children of God, music, laughter and the Jehovah-El Shaddai Computer Center which I think is now a hotel. (Remind me to tell you about this sometime.)
As I begin preparing for the trip I am struck by the story of the feeding of the 5,000. Jesus says, “YOU give them something to eat.” I sense the Lord saying those words to us in an urgent way during this season. There is more with which He wants to entrust us so we must learn to bring Him what we have in a wider, deeper way. However, as I consider the magnitude of another trip to Africa, I feel a bit like those original disciples, “We have here only 5 loaves and 2 fish. What is that amongst so many?”
The trip costs a lot of money and I am a bit overwhelmed by my own lack. Nevertheless, I am bringing Him what I have and trusting Him to multiply and use it for His glory! If you want to help financially please make your checks payable to Resurrection Church and attach a sticky or note that says it’s for me. If you are someone I see often just hand it to me. Otherwise mail your check to: Norman Manley 524 Shelton St. Charlotte, NC 28270
Thank you for encouraging me and supporting me in every phase of my journey whether to Africa or a Charlotte high school classroom. You are the best!
Kim Kyle