A Funny Thing Happened...
Dear Ones in Jesus, A funny thing happened on my way to resign from an African mission team… As is my habit, I was driving and having...
We push back from our Thanksgiving feasts full and overfull, and suddenly “Christmas” is upon us. The season is FULL and overfull of...
"But Heads"
Lately I have been journeying through the gospel of John. John is not the eye-witness investigative reporting of Luke or the stripped...
A Walk in the Woods
On Saturday I took a walk in the woods. While my walk in no way rivals or even resembles Bill Bryson’s Walk in the Woods, (a great summer...
Communist Egg Hunt
I am but recently returned from time with family in Georgia. (How’s that for Jane Austenlike sentence structure?) We did our family...
Hope Sings
Each year I choose a word to be my prophetic by- word for the year. This year on New Year’s Day (wasn’t that just yesterday? How did it...
Sacred Journey
For the past few months my college friend and I have been working through a book called The Ignatian Adventure. The book leads you...
My Birthday Blog!
I turn 60 this week. (I know I don’t look a day over 59 but it’s true.) It’s been quite a ride, an epic journey, as it were. Maybe not...
Unequally Yoked
To begin with this isn’t the blog post I intended to write. The Holy Spirit has a way of hijacking my intentions and blowing up my brain...
Well and Truly Enough
A difficult first week of work in a new place prompted what may rightly be called a barrage of emails between me and my long-suffering (a...